God and black magic

As a spiritual healer, I am always hearing questions from clients about black magic and how it relates to God or how does God allow something so awful to exist. These type of questions are truly important to ponder about because it helps to get a better prospective on how the creator manages the world and in the same time what you must do to properly live a good life.

First step to understanding the universe and creation as a whole is to understand the value of free will that is given to all of humanity. God has created a beautiful world, everyone has ability to choose between good and evil. We are not talking about religion here, but simply stating universal facts of allowing someone to make choices and decisions in their life.

Some people spend their life focused on themselves, their success, their family, and dedicate their efforts to helping others. Then there is others who focus on other people, fail at every corner and are envious of others. This envy that people have for the ones who live successfully sometimes creates desires to become evil and bring harm to others.

People who resort to evil, take out their anger on others and instead of focusing on their own life they begin to spend all their time obsessing with the thought to hurt someone else. They hire witches, psychics, and black magic experts to perform black magic or dark magic on their enemies.

The victims of black magic usually begin to wonder “why me”, “why doesn’t God protect me” etc… They resort to prayer and try everything on their own until they speak to a spiritual healer and begin their healing journey. Many times God does help, the attacks are reduced or you are led to a good spiritual healer. The universe still wants everyone to have the ability to use their free will, for both good and evil. It would defeat the purpose of having free will if everything that people do gets intervention from above without your input.

There are other reasons that the universe brings suffering to some people, past life karma for example if you were an evil person in your past life time and hurt people for your own gain then in this life time you are paying the price and having non stop struggle and on top of that the universe allows for others to harm you spiritually with black magic, evil eye and physical damage as a repayment for past debt.

Most people want to know what can they do to protect themselves from evil people that put black magic, evil eye or think badly of them. There are many ways to guard yourself from spiritual damage before it happens.

  1. Don’t show off your successes to others.
  2. Limit your interaction with people who are jealous of you.
  3. Try to make friends that are not envious of you.
  4. Contact a spiritual healer to insure you have protection from your ancestors and angels.
  5. Pray to God.
  6. Meditate regularly.
  7. Sage your house weekly.
  8. Donate to poor people.
  9. Do something nice for someone else.
  10. Go out of your way to help others who are in need of your help.
  11. Take a spiritual bath or visit the ocean.
  12. Thinking positive.
  13. Trusting God.
  14. Wear Programmed crystal jewelry. 

When you do everything above regularly it will help you live a better and healthier life. The biggest thing not to do is ignore things when life starts to show things are going bad. Thinking positive and having trust in God is important but brushing off issues such as constant bad luck can cause bigger problems in the long run. It is strongly recommended to get regular check ups of your life by contacting a spiritual healer. Ignoring and avoiding problems can lead to loss of finances, health issues, problems in your relationships, friendships and sudden accidents.

What Impact does Black Magic have on Careers and Businesses?

I am sure you have always wondered if you are living your life the way it was meant to be. There are many things and factors that can affect success when it comes to someone else trying to sabotage everything you are striving to achieve. Many times I am sure you find yourself looking at a co-worker, a competitor or even a family member who is successful and wondering with envy of why they are so successful. When these thoughts occur they bring negative forces to that person or entity. That person or business without proper spiritual protection such as an energy generator, necklace or a bracelet will end up paying a heavy price.

I am sure you have experienced getting a promotion, winning the lottery, buying the right stock in the market, getting a pay raise, a new client, a large order, a real estate deal or a new venture and after telling a few people and being extremely excited about it something happens and the entire thing goes bad or you just lose money elsewhere to match the gain. These are very common things that happen because of jealousy and negative forces that are created using evil thoughts, spirits, ghosts, and dark magic.

Here are some common signs to look for in your daily life to know if you are being affected by negative energies.

Common issues:

  •  – lost your job multiple times
  •  – never get promoted or raises
  •  – legal issues
  • – constantly fighting with friends & family
  • – repeat relationship issues
  • – surprise random expenses
  • – evictions
  • – accidents
  • – accusations
  • – making bad investments
  • – things breaking in your home
  • – car trouble
  • – loss of business
  • – health issues
  • – sudden death in family

These are just some of the things many people experience, I don’t want to say that everything that goes wrong in life is caused by negative energy as we are humans and things do go wrong sometimes but if you are experiencing a repeat of things that can go wrong do go wrong this is usually due to negative energy and requires spiritual healing and protection.  Many times the auric field that is around your body (a spiritual field that controls everything energetically) is supposed to attract good things to you but instead it starts to repel things away from you. The aura when properly balanced will not only make you feel better emotionally but also will make you feel whole and complete. Please contact me to have an aura reading or balancing service performed.

How Does Black Magic affect Relationships?

For many years I have witnessed many relationships that fell apart due to some form of curse, black magic, spells, jealousy, empathic attacks, hatred and voodoo. I want to start by explaining what a normal relationship should be like before we get in to the effects of black magic on relationships. I will use the term black magic to refer to all the different types of curses.

Relationships should not be complicated, a good relationship or a normal relationship should have the following :

  • – both people are constantly happy
  • – love spending time together regardless of what it is
  • – cant be apart and always missing the person
  • – willing to do whatever it takes to make them happy
  • – unconditional love (even if either person did something wrong, they still understand and love each other)
  • – giving gifts to each other
  • – checking up on how they are feeling
  • – taking care of the person when they are not feeling well
  • – amazing sexual relationship
  • – no arguments or disagreements
  • – loving each others families
  • – wanting to do things together
  • – having similar hobbies
  • – enjoy traveling together
  • – cooking, eating
  • – being caring
  • – feeling empty when apart
  • – never feeling alone
  • – lifting each others spirit
  • – inspiring one another
  • – makes you feel financially secure

As you can tell from the list above a good relationship is a dream come true, unfortunately most people in relationships will pick a person who will provide for them a few of these things and make them miserable on everything else. If you are not happy in your current relationship, I strongly recommend rethinking it and cutting your losses before it escalates further.

List of things in a bad relationship:

  • – no intimacy
  • – never calls or cares
  • – rude
  • – selfish
  • – cheating
  • – abusive
  • – inconsiderate
  • – takes you for granted
  • – gambling issues
  • – excessive drinking
  • – narcissistic behavior
  • – complaining
  • – ungrateful
  • – silent treatment
  • – never available for you
  • – trust issues
  • – cheap

I am sure if you are in a bad or good relationship some of these if not all sound very familiar. Many couples naturally struggle to stay together because of not being a good match for each other but stay together anyways. Now if you added outside interference to an already bad relationship such as from a vengeful ex, a jealous friend, a lover, or an in law ect.. A bad relationship begins to feel like something out of a horror film. Many spiteful people who don’t want to see you happy  in your relationship will do everything in their power to break you up and usually resort to black magic. Performing black magic on an already bad relationship will amplify everything, your fights will last longer, you will both feel the need to argue and not know how or when to stop. The fights will last longer and eventually the dark spirits and negative energy that were placed upon you will begin to separate you from your lover. Random thoughts begin to appear to push the person towards another person and in many cases they begin to cheat. Even in a good relationship these things will occur, unfortunately the strength of dark evil magic is very overwhelming and can bring damage to the best of relationships and quickly transform a loving partner in to someone who cant stand being next to you.

Many times one person in a relationship will feel like they are living in a nightmare. Their lover leaves them, and they just cant recover from it. They cant sleep, cant eat, cant work, constantly crying and just cant function in their life. When a person feels this way this is a clear sign of black magic, evil eye, jealousy and negative forces that were used to perform these things. The lover that was so loving towards you all of a sudden wants nothing to do with you and you are left in a sinking ship begging for mercy. In many cases the black magic that was performed will create issues with your aura, chakras and overall astral field around you will be affected. In such cases full healing of the aura, balancing of the chakras, healing of the cord that attaches you to that person and then removing the black magic that was done is required. I offer a spiritual healing package that will do all of the above and it is found here. Spiritual healing using angels after such a major issue is a must. It will make you feel better, your mind body and soul will feel much lighter and many times healing of the cord of attachment between you and your lover will restore the relationship as it provides both people a sense of relief from outside influence.

I mentioned the cord of attachment, it is a cord that connects people together and allows us to feel a connection to one another. Many people don’t realize this but the cord of attachment will not only keep a connection between people but it also makes you feel the exact thoughts, emotions, feelings of the person. it does not necessarily need to be a lover it can be anyone such as a best friend or a family member. I am sure you have come across this in your life where you think of someone and you run in to them that day or receive a call, text or email from them that same day. There are times where you feel down out of no where and then find out a friend was in a bad car accident. We are spiritual beings that feel each other energetically especially our lovers. This can transfer both good or bad energy. Pay attention to yourself and notice some days you will wake up fully energized and others you can wake up completely drained without any clue as to what is happening. There is no coincidences and its not just “one of those days”. These things are real and I strongly recommend aura healing services and chakra healing services regularly to insure you are not being drained without your consent.

Many times changing the energy using crystals brings a lot of benefit to both the person and the home. For people who have relationship issues and constant fighting, I strongly recommend ordering the Rose Quartz bracelet to wear or keep in your pocket and a Rose Quartz Energy Generator for the specific room that you feel most tense in or argue in most. These crystals make a huge difference as they help raise the vibration on both you and the room, and attracts good loving energy instead.

Three best meditations to do for improving success

We all want to be successful, but dreaming about success without a plan isn’t going to make it happen. Meditation can improve your overall health, ‘and ¨well-being. Meditation is more than just relaxation. Meditation has numerous benefits like managing stress, sleep quality, and even helping you reach your desired goal. Some of the best meditation techniques are simple and easy to use, and anyone can experience them. The following are three meditations that can help with improving your success.

What is Meditation

Meditation is a great way to achieve inner peace and overall success.

Meditation is not just about clearing your mind and relaxing, although it does do both of those things. It’s also an excellent tool for improving your mental health and well-being, as well as your physical health.

There are many different types of meditation, but they all come down to clearing the mind so that you can focus on what’s important to you.

Some people think meditation means sitting in silence, with their eyes closed while focusing on breathing. This is one type of meditation called mindfulness meditation. You can also meditate by focusing on an object or even music. This type of meditation is called mantra meditation or chakra meditation, depending on your focus point.

Meditation also helps us connect with our higher self—or whatever name we want to give your higher power—and find spiritual guidance and answers through prayer or visualization techniques.

Meditation is easier than you think—you don’t need fancy equipment or other people around you. All you need is your own body, mind, and breath!

Open Awareness Meditation

Open Awareness is one of the best meditations for improving success because it helps you stop worrying about the past and future and instead focus on the present moment.

This way, you can live in the present moment, which is all we have.

The Open Awareness Meditation will help you be more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and body to let go of negative emotions that may make you successful.

The goal of this meditation is to cultivate a state of open awareness. You can think of it as clearing your mind and learning to be fully present. When you meditate, you’re training your mind to focus on one thing at a time instead of jumping from one thought to another.

This type of meditation is suitable for people who have trouble concentrating or want to be more productive when they work. It’s also helpful if you have trouble getting into a deep sleep. This meditation will help you focus on things other than what’s going on in your head, which can make it easier for you to fall asleep once you’re ready for bed.

Core Mindfulness Meditation

Core mindfulness meditation is a great way to improve your ability to concentrate, focus on the present moment, and cultivate a sense of calmness and peace.

This form of meditation involves focusing on one’s breath and body. It’s also called “sati,” which means “aware oneness” in the Pali language.

Core mindfulness meditation is not about emptying your mind or getting rid of thoughts; it’s about accepting what you will think and letting those thoughts pass judgment or attachment.

Core mindfulness meditation is a great place to start for those new to mindfulness who want to learn more about it. This is an excellent way to start if you feel like something other than meditating but still want to improve your success.

The core mindfulness meditation helps you become more aware of the present moment. You can do this by focusing on your breathing, your body moving through space, or your thoughts and emotions as they occur. This helps you become more aware of what’s happening around you, which most people struggle with when trying to be successful.

The trick here is to focus on what’s happening right now rather than worrying about what might happen in the future or dwelling on events from the past. This will help you stay grounded and avoid getting caught up in emotion when you need to be at your most rational and objective.

Body Scan Meditation

This is a great way to relax, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve your overall mental health.

You can do it in any position, but lying down on your back with your eyes closed is the easiest method. If you’re comfortable, you can also sit up with your eyes closed.

To start, take some deep breaths through your nose and out through your mouth. Then focus on one body part at a time. Start with your toes and then move up to your ankles until you get to the top of your head. Focus on each part of your body for about 3-5 minutes before moving on to the next area.

When you’re done scanning through all of these parts of yourself, take another deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth before closing your eyes again for another round of deep breathing or meditation until finished!

The body scan meditation is a great way to improve your health and well-being. It’s also a great way to prepare yourself for success.

The body scan meditation is designed to help you focus on the sensations in your body. You’ll start by focusing on the sensation of your feet on the floor, then move up through your legs, pelvis, torso, and arms. When you reach your face, you’ll come back down again.

This meditation will help you become more aware of what’s going on in your body, which can help you stay focused during stressful situations or when trying to achieve goals like getting into shape or achieving financial success. I offer a free energy evaluation as well as life coaching services, feel free to contact me for more information.

10 Situations when you’ll need black magic removal services

Black magic is energy that negatively affects the victim and causes unnecessary problems. If it enters the human body, it hinders the proper working system of the mind and soul. People under its influence and are utterly unaware of its presence often blame everything on personal problems and illness.

Black magic is not new and doesn’t happen without anybody behind it. Therefore we must be careful in this dangerous time surrounded by just a few well-wishers. However, since it’s possible to be unaware of its attack, the followings are the instances when you’re likely to need black magic removal services.

1.  Terrible and Frequent headaches

If you’re experiencing inexplicable and intense headaches from nowhere, black magic could have something to do with it. These headaches mostly appear at midday when you’re typically at your best. While usual headaches often have identifiable causes, headaches caused by black magic seem to come out of nowhere. Headaches may appear as a single symptom but often accompany other symptoms.

They’re also one of the most obvious physical signs you’ll likely experience when your body is stressed. Suppose you start suffering from inexplicable and chronic headaches, and the usual remedies are not working. In that case, there’s a chance that you’re a victim of a black magic spell, and you might need to consider black magic removal services.

2.  Unrealistic fears experience

If you suddenly find yourself experiencing unrealistic and intense fears, you could be under an attack of black magic. These fears won’t be like other phobias you’ve experienced throughout your life. They’ll be far more unexplainable and intense.

Moreover, the anxiety isn’t triggered by violent confrontations, car accidents, or other traumas. It comes seemingly out of nowhere or, more accurately, from the enemies. You may find yourself suddenly terrified to drive down a familiar road. You may be afraid to leave your house; in extreme cases, you may be too scared of the outside world to get out of bed and enter other rooms.

3.  Severe fatigue

Black magic can drain your energy, leaving you exhausted for no apparent reason. It is capable of draining and thriving off people’s energy. If you observe that you feel drained for no particular reason, it could be due to the attack of black magic. If you’re under this attack, you’ll frequently feel unrest, tired, and weak even after a night’s sleep. Once you recognize these signs, don’t hesitate to take action. The sooner you get this black magic removed, the sooner you’ll be able to get back to living a healthy life.

4.  Scary and Persistent Nightmares

A person suffering from black magic may experience frightening nightmares and negative visions. Depending on the spell’s strength, you may experience violent or graphic sexual scenes, people pursuing you, death, and graveyard visions. The victims can hear strange sounds and voices, wake up at midnight because they feel someone touch them, and see a bold image in the spots on the wall. As time goes on, this can escalate to you having insomnia and sleeping problems. Some victims may even resort to drugs, so they don’t fall asleep. Having a nightmare from time to time happens to everyone. On the other hand, the nightmare repetition can become suspicious.

5.  Emotional Imbalance and Mental Instability

This will undoubtedly be a discovery that your thoughts do not belong to you. At least not all of them. Some are directly the result of invisible influences of which you’re unaware. You’ve all heard those murderous ‘crazy’ people saying that a voice was telling them to do this or that. Unfortunately, this is not always pure madness, and you should know that we are constantly influenced by thoughts that are not directly yours.

Moreover, if you become angry or irritable for no apparent reason, your nerves react at the slightest opportunity, and have not been happening before, you must ask yourself questions.

Black Magic creates an imbalance within your psyche that aims to bring chaos, especially in your relationships with others.

6.  Deterioration of the state of health

This is often the very purpose of all black magic thrown against you: your state of health breaks down, and your life ends in the worst case. However, not all enemies have this goal in mind, which may be the case for some. Here, we are talking about a succession of events affecting your health suddenly and quickly. Automotive accidents often manifest damage to your health or even your life. This is the preferred means by black magic to manifest itself and takes one’s life. If you’re repeatedly involved in automotive accidents, someone probably casts black magic spells on you.

7. Financial problems

If you’ve always had a pretty stable income and suddenly started experiencing intense financial problems, lost your business, or got fired, you might be under the influence of black magic. The main purpose of most black magic is to inflict difficulties on the person’s entire life. Suppose you get unexplainable and unexpected losses in your business and cannot rectify them. In that case, this is mainly caused by black magic, and you may need the intervention of a spiritual healer.

8. Severe depression

More often than not, an indication of a black magic spell is the feeling of unexplained sadness and depression. Despite the victims having a good life, they do not experience happiness. You may also experience panic attacks and phobias. However, the main feature of this spell is the great sadness that the victim experiences without any explainable reason. This same situation then paves the way for the emotional weakness of the haunted, which is the gateway to worse situations that will be generated over time.

9. Sleep Paralysis

When it comes to sleep paralysis, medical practitioners have no answers. You’re dreaming normally, and suddenly, a mighty hand pulls you into a dark room; you struggle to get out of its clutches, but your body is frozen while your mind behaves like a race car trying to think of ways to come out.

There can be many such dream situations where the body goes into sleep paralysis; the whole experience can be disturbing, terrifying, and in rare cases, leads to cardiac arrest, paralysis, and even death. In sleep paralysis, black magic is sent to the victim to cause immense fear and damage the victim’s body and mind. If you’ve had sleep paralysis, it’ll be best to seek a black magic removal service from a healer who can save you from the worst scenarios.

10.  Accumulation of bad luck

Among the signs of Black Magic is the accumulation of bad luck. This is very often the primary indicator. Your life is going smoothly, and suddenly nothing goes as intended. Whatever you do and all your businesses fail, and you suffer the setbacks of fortunes and accumulate the galleys without it seems to want to stop. One of the goals of black magic, when cast against you, is to make your life hellish, let everything break your face, and let nothing go in the right direction. All these repeated signs are just the expression, the manifestation in this physical world of these spiritual attacks.


You must find out the presence of black magic and take steps to remove them from your life. Many situations can indicate the presence of black magic in your life. If you’re familiar with any signs listed above, you can easily remove the black magic with the help of a professional spiritual healer. So you might have to talk to an experienced black magic expert.

But, If you take these signs lightly, they may affect and destroy your entire life. Consult a proper black magic removal expert today and get the solutions to your problems.