Forced Love – Relationships where you just don’t get along

You may wonder why the title says forced love? Being a spiritual healer and working with clients all over the world, I have come across many cases of  what I like to call “forced love”. I came up with this term after spending years working with clients who had relationships that failed and one person just can’t let go and are willing to do absolutely anything to get the other person back, regardless of how they are treated.

Let me begin by going over what the purpose of a life partner is, relationships are formed for companionship, intimacy, love, children, family, marriage, care, friendship, attention, adventure and financial support. Clearly the purpose of a relationship is a give and take scenario where two people are combined together to experience a better life. There is absolutely no requirement in the universe to have a relationship but people do so for the pleasure it brings them.

Relationships in general are a beautiful thing to experience, they bring unimaginable pleasure and the feeling of love or to be loved is truly priceless. There are many relationships or connections that are extremely strong due to their past life time experience together, as well as soulmate or twin flame bondage. I do offer past life time readings, if you are interested in learning more about your past life, please visit this link.

I am sure you’ve heard about relationships that go bad, actually the divorce rate in the United States is about forty to fifty percent. Many relationships end due to unforeseen circumstances  such as cheating, fighting, lost love, communication issues, financial struggles and evil intentions such as black magic.

When relationships fall apart, many begin to look for reasons and at least one person in the relationship tries almost everything to stop the separation from occurring. When the person tries everything but the other person just isn’t interested. This is when “forced love” begins to take hold.

The vast majority of relationships with issues typically involve one person having more strength, confidence and control then the other. Using that to their advantage they begin to push the other person around and take advantage in every way possible. These type of relationships involve people who struggle with self love and codependency. When a person doesn’t consider themselves  important, they allow others to push them around in all areas of their life, including their work life.

Relationships must be equal, in all aspects. What does that mean? In simple terms, both people should be treated the same. Neither should have more control over the other. If you struggle with self-love I would strongly recommend a life coaching session where I can help you better manage that area of your life.

Chasing someone after they have clearly decided they don’t want to be with you or have anything to do with you will usually lead to depression, anxiety, stress, failure, reduced happiness and obsessive thoughts for that person.  It is important to get proper help when facing a challenging separation. Separating from someone after being with them for a long time is very painful, and many times feels as if your entire world has stopped. It is recommended after such a break up to get a full balancing of the chakras, healing the aura and placing angels to help you get through the pain. I offer a full mind body and soul healing package to help with such cases.

The effects of Empathic connections on our daily lives

What does it mean to be empathic?

Empathy is the concept of the transfer of energy telepathically from one person to another. Empathy transpires using strong telepathic channels and/ or cords of attachments. Empathy allows you to feel the emotions and thoughts of another person. Empathy can make a person feel things randomly within their body that they normally would not feel under similar circumstance. Empathic attacks can have physiological symptoms such as:  physical internal pains , ailments,  drastic changes of temperatures in the body, sudden heartburn, and feelings of nausea. Empathic attacks can also bring about emotional symptoms such as: feeling bursts of anger, excessive stress for no reason, anxiety, and increase in hyperactivity. Empathy doesn’t only transfer bad energy but can also transfer good energy from one person to another.

Many empathic people are able to sense what their loved ones or close friends are thinking before the person reveals it to them. For example, an empathic person can sense that their friend is going to text or call them regarding a specific problem they are having. They can know what their friend was going to share with them before the friend even made any contact. Although powerful, empathy can feel very draining and overwhelming for people who have no power or do not know yet how to control it. An empathic transfer of energy can make the receiver do things they wouldn’t normally do, such as argue, fight, or show signs of anger towards others without prior cause for confrontation, causing an internal battle within the person’s own body. This can also be described as having two different personalities within one body. Empathic people often struggle when being attacked by energy vampires. Energy vampires describes those individuals who practice deep thinking and obsess over someone sending them constant bad energy, hence sucking the life out of the person being targeted weather they know they are doing it or not.

How does empathy work?

Empathy transfers energy using cords of attachments instantaneously  allowing a person to feel different things at that exact moment. The transfer of energy can occur through different portals of a person’s body and/ or energetic Chakras. Where the energy attack are being felt on a person or how it makes the person react or feel depends on the sender of the energy and their connection to the receiver. In most cases, the transfer of energies occurs with people who the person has a strong connection or bond with such as a family member, a past or current lover, or a close friend. The person sending the energy is often one who had spend a lot of time with receiver and had developed a strong energetic connection to them.  One belief is that empathy is existent as a tool to help control people from making decisions such as walking away from life situations and relationships without facing adequate consequences. As you may see in your own daily life, very often people walk away from problematic relationships or complicated friendships thinking they can just escape their problems, not realizing that the cords of attachments they forged along the way and the energy connecting them to person and/ or situation still exists.

Most people cannot differentiate between their own feelings/ emotions or physiological pains and those of the person who is attacking them energetically. In cases where the energetic attacks are happening on a regular basis the receiver can adapt to the attacks and accept it as part of their well being. Experiencing moments such as struggling with emotional regulation, anxiety, and feelings of unexplained depression can all be signs of an empathic attack taking place at that very moment. The attacks can be momentary or last as long as hours or even days depending on the sender’s motive and energetic powers.

How it affects our daily lives and people around us?

One important distinction to make when contemplating whether an empathic attack is occurring is understanding the difference between emphatic attacked and black magic curses.  Where Black magic takes place abruptly in forms of “accidents” such as car crashes, tripping over something or injuring yourself badly, an empathic attack presents itself in a more natural way with physiological symptoms such as headaches, body aches, emotional drain, anxiety and stress (to inquire more information about Black magic removal services please feel free to contact me for a free consultation). Empathic attacks also present themselves in forms of jealousy and hatred towards someone or something the person has no prior negative feelings towards.  People with strong empathic capabilities can be intense to a point where they obsessively loop with intensive destructive thoughts and behavior that can end up destroying a person’s life.

How to protect ourselves and prevent empathic draining?

The first step in protecting yourself from empathic attacks is trying pinpoint who the sender of the energy might be and what brought about the negative thoughts towards you. Some reasons why someone might be sending you empathic energy might be:

  • – Date of an important anniversary from a past relationship
  • – Person experiencing feeling of regret or guilt following a relationship ending
  • – Birthday or important life event where you used to be part of but no longer are
  • – A person strongly missing another person who is no longer in their life
  • – Family member experiencing some sort of trauma or illness and subconsciously sending negative energy to other family members
  • – Employer or co-worker having negative thoughts about you due to jealousy, resentment or hatred

There can be many other reasons why someone might be sending you negative energy via an empathic attack.  A good practice following an attack is to write down how you feel when you are not under attack so you can differentiate when you are yourself verses when you are under attack and feel like you are possessing someone else’s energy. There are many forms of meditation that can help you protect yourself against empathic attacks (Please contact me to inquire more information about this topic and receive a 10 minute free consultation) . Placing a pillow or a large thick object to cover the area of your body being attacked while it’s occurring can sometimes help decrease the intensity of the symptoms. Programed Crystals can also be used to protect the person from empathic attacks. To assure your Auric field and Chakras are fully balanced and vibrating properly a spiritual healer is recommended to assess where the energy is coming from and how to properly stop it by cutting the cords of attachments as well as providing energy healing services. I offer fully programed bracelets and necklaces with crystals that  are used to protect the person wearing it from being a victim of an empathic attack.

Why is it hard to recover from a painful breakup or loss?

Most healthy relationships begins with two individuals who find fondness in each other and form some sort of bond or connection over a shared interest and/ or common life goal. These individuals will then grow to enjoy each other’s company and develop a bond. Many firsts will come along, such as first touch, first kiss and first date. During the initial stage of a relationship is where couples share their interests and explore together.

The relationship then grows as the couple begins to get comfortable with one another. Going on trips together, sharing a bed, allowing oneself to be vulnerable in front of the other person and meeting important people in the other person’s life (such as family members and close friends). Relationships also turn into life time commitments that people make to one another when buying homes together, getting married and ultimately having children together. Those are all the steps and the making of a growing relationship. As the couple in the relationship invest more time and emotion into their relationship they strengthen their spiritual cords and become inseparable. People often get too comfortable with someone and forget how life was before that person came into their lives. Even a few months can have an everlasting effect on someone due to the time invested into the relationship.

For this reason the universe disabled humans ability from remembering their previous incarnation (past lives) that includes past relationships. Relationships often stay stuck in our chakras and auras and there is a cord of attachment that binds the two souls together for eternity.

Unfortunately many relationships come to an end. There can be many reasons why a relationship would end. Some relationships end on good terms, some not. People sometimes discover later on in life that the life path they have chosen for themselves no longer makes them happy,  they discover that their significant other is cheating on them, or they simply don’t want to live with the person they married anymore. Every situation is different and every person’s heartache following a breakup or a separation is going to differ.  Either way, there is always baggage that follows a person when they end a relationship.

So why is it so hard for some people to move on following a breakup or a loss of someone they loved? There are many reasons why. Environmental triggers is one of the reasons. Something as  simple as a smell of a familiar perfume, or the sight of favorite restaurant that was a frequent venue for date night can bring feelings of pain, regret, resentment, and nostalgia. Perhaps during your past relationship going to the movies was a passion you shared with your ex and now you can’t bring yourself to step a foot in a movie theatre because of all the memories that took place there.

Another reason why it is so hard to move on following a breakup or a loss could be attending life events that represented or would have taken place in your relationship such as weddings, the birth of a new baby, an engagement of a family member or a close friend. More often than not, seeing a loved one go through a changing life event that you struggled to get to in your own relationship triggers a lot of negative emotions and feelings towards the person you had the relationship with, hence making it hard for you to get over the relationship.

Sometimes it is people around you that make it hard for you to forget or get over a relationship. Perhaps you were dating a person who came highly recommended by a family member or a close friend. If the relationship fails after a period of time, the person or people who initiated the relationship are likely to bring it up everytime they see you to try to change your mind and maybe pressure you into giving the person a second chance. Perhaps your close family friends have a child who they always thought you are destined to get married to in order to form a bond between two families, yet your relationship failed and you are now stuck with handling the drama that follows every time you are in contact with anyone from your family.

The feeling of  comfort and belonging is perhaps the biggest cause of pain following a relationship breakup. Especially when the couple in the relationship become codependent on each other. The sense of coming home to a familiar routine, a familiar person and a familiar home gives a person a sense of comfort. Leaving your comfort zone is very hard and often leads to couples toughing it out from the fear of change. Learning to live life without your partner can be tough and emotionally draining. Perhaps your partner was responsible for all household chores or handling all the finances in the relationship. Having that fear of “what now?” can have a huge emotional drainage on a person following a breakup and can make getting over the person very hard. People contemplate at that point if leaving the person was the right thing to do, as the saying goes “distance makes the heart go fonder”.

These are just a few of the reasons as to why it is so hard for some people to recover from breakups and losses in relationships. When it comes to a point where you cannot get over your past relationship and you dwell on the past for a prolonged period of time, your intense feelings can turn into an obsession. At that point you need a lot of guidance and support to get your life back on track and cut or heal your cord of attachment from your painful breakup in order to set a path for you to be able to form new healthy relationships with no emotional baggage from previous relationships.

So how can I help you? I can help you cut your cords of attachments and heal your auric field from all negativity that any previous relationship has left on you. With my guidance and life coaching services I can bring you back to a life filled with hope and success with any future relationships.  I will be with you every step of the way and I will ensure you reach your full potential.

Programming crystals and wearing bracelets, necklaces what does it do?

Crystals have been used for thousands of years by many practitioners of healing. Every crystal has a unique energy and vibration that allows it to be programmed for specific use or purpose.

Some crystals will bring good fortune while others are meant to bring luck, physical healing, love, protection from evil eye, black magic, voodoo and jealousy. Every crystal has a unique purpose and benefit. These days with the advancement of technology not many people are familiar with crystal programming or crystals in general.

Programming crystals takes a lot of effort, it isn’t a simple process and is extremely time consuming. The process starts with clearing the practitioners energy field and then using angels, ancestors, the sun, the stars and loved ones in spirit to properly clear and program the crystal such as a bracelet, necklace or stone. Each crystal can be programmed to your unique requirements. The process requires your name and birth date to insure the crystal is programmed specifically to you. This lengthily process when done properly will create miracles for the person wearing the crystal.

A skilled and experienced practitioner must know how to control angels, master the art of energy manipulation and be extremely careful  when programming the crystals to insure only positive energy is entered in to the stone as any negative vibrations will have the opposite effect on the person who will be using or wearing the stone.

Buying crystals from random places without any proper programming will not bring you any positive results. These must be properly programmed or they are nothing more then a decorative piece of jewelry. I offer a wide selection of crystal products such bracelets, necklaces and energy generators. These are programmed to your unique requirements and take me over 14 hours to properly program each unit, please visit my products page to see everything that I offer.

These crystals can be purchased for friends, family members and you can also own multiple different pieces. They will make the perfect gift to your loved ones. If you have any questions about crystal programming or my process please feel free to contact me for more information.

Why are there so many negative people and what to do about it?

We all have our fair share of negative people in our lives, our friends, family members, co workers, neighbors, kids, spouses, and romantic partners. Sometimes we can avoid these people and sometimes we are unfortunately stuck with them. It is a known fact that whoever you are surrounded by has a very big impact on your daily life. This is not only true physically it is also true on an energetic and spiritual level as well.

People who surround themselves with millionaires for example tend to eventually attract wealth and same goes for someone who is around a thief or a criminal the end result will be their traits and ideas transferring on to you in both positive and negative ways. This is why it is truly important to make very wise decisions as to who you associate yourself with and what type of environment you are surrounding yourself with.

It is easy to be negative and the vast majority of society chooses to just be down, dread life, complain, be miserable and blame everyone else for their short comings. When coming in contact with such a person the low vibration in their auric field (aura is the energy that surrounds our body and protects us)  is enough to wipe out all your positive energy in minutes.  This is why its very important to be protected against energy vampires who will suck all the positive energy out of you within minutes without you knowing what hit you the rest of your day, week or even month and cause you to make terrible decisions and not even knowing why.

Lets face it, we cant control negative people or change them but we can change ourselves to be protected, and for our own energy to attract only the highest vibration of people who don’t drain us in any way. Energy is known to attract to itself similar energy that it gives out. For example if you are a giving, kindhearted, loving individual you will attract friends to yourself with very similar traits. There are of-course exceptions to this rule as with anything but for the most part most people will attract to themselves who they are because our aura vibrates at a certain energy and we attract to ourselves that same vibration of energy.

There are many toxic relationships where one person is amazing but the other is just the opposite, don’t think for a moment that the universe made a mistake, just because the relationship exists it doesn’t mean its meant to be. Many times there is one individual in the toxic relationship that has no idea how to be without the other person so they will put up with negativity for decades if they have to instead of leaving that person and starting fresh.

If you are surrounded by negative people and don’t know what to do about it, I strongly recommend the following few things:

  1. Daily meditation at least 3 times a day.  Specifically one that protects your aura, feel free to contact me for assistance. 
  2. Speak to a spiritual healer to make sure your aura has healthy colors. I offer spiritual healing for the aura here: Aura Healing
  3. Don’t try to change the other person but instead change yourself.
  4. If you are in a relationship and your partner is negative to the point that it is effecting your life, I strongly recommend counseling for that person and if they refuse you must have the strength to leave them. 
  5. Don’t be judgmental of their every move, try and concentrate on yourself and your own life instead. 
  6. If the people in your life who are negative are not immediate family, work on a plan to distance yourself from these people.
  7. Be positive, optimistic regardless of who is around you, by doing so you will raise the energy not only for yourself but everyone around you also.

We have a choice, a free will to be around someone or not to be around someone, it is our decision of who when or how we do things. Always remember to use your free will and not be forced to do anything you are not comfortable with.


What is spiritual healing?

I am sure a few things come to mind when you hear the term “Spiritual healer”

What is spiritual healing?
Why do I need spiritual healing?
Why can’t I heal myself? Etc…

The universe is a complex place there are many things that go on behind the scenes that involves the travel of energy. The way a person feels, thinks, grows, evolves, absolutely everything that happens to people will have a source of energy fueling the specific event taking place.
Have you ever heard a person say “wow I got so lucky?” or “I can’t believe that happened, such a miracle” well guess what? There are no mistakes, or coincidences. Everything happens for a reason and everything has a cause and effect.
Unfortunately, in today’s world a lot of things taking place involve the drainage of energy or the transfer of energy from positive to negative and negative to positive. People with high amounts of positive energy are natural targets from people who drain them with their negativity.
Many things taking place in the world such as accidents, tragedies, sickness begin with a source that transmits their negative energy to an object, a location or a person. Negative thinking many times will create entities and these entities harm the person and everyone around them and the cycle begins with no end in sight. This is when a spiritual healer is needed most.
Spiritual healers are people that have a lot of positive energy and using that force of higher vibrating energy can transform anything negative in to positive. Keeping in touch with someone that has good energy is an excellent idea because even being next to someone that vibrates on a higher level will naturally improve how you feel.
Just as everything else in life doctors, lawyers, musician’s, dentists, electricians etc… all have a specific gift to do something that another person cannot. Being an energy healer is a natural gift that allows the person to help other that are struggling.
From the beginning of time the universe has always had people who were able to help others get through their problems and clear away spiritual blocks. In today’s day unfortunately there are too many people that don’t know what they are doing and bring more harm than good to a person they are healing. I strongly suggest using a healer that is reputable and has a gift of healing with a lot of experience.Uriel
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