Many believe physical illness comes from an underlying spiritual problem. Does bad karma cause disease and heartache? In a world with millions of overweight people, it may be tempting to blame the fast food industry for our health problems. As well as the human inclination to spend many hours of the day on electronic devices.
It’s a common belief that physical illnesses come from spiritual problems. But does this mean that spirituality is only important in the context of illness? Or can it also help maintain good physical health?
The answer is yes. Spirituality and physical health are interrelated.
People who strongly connect to their spirituality are happier, healthier, and more at peace than those who are not. They also have better relationships and feel more supported by those around them. These connections make them feel safe, secure and loved—all of which help them heal physically faster after an injury or illness.
The connection between the two may seem obvious at first glance. After all, we tend to think of our bodies as containers for our souls—we live in our physical bodies, but we’re also made up of a spirit or soul that animates us and gives us life. But there’s more to it than that: our bodies are made up of energy fields that resonate with our thoughts and emotions—they carry information about us that affects how we treat ourselves and how others see us.
When you feel spiritually healthy, your body responds by being more beneficial. When you feel spiritually weak or unhappy with yourself, those feelings also affect your body negatively. This is why physical illness can often be traced back to depression or anxiety: when we feel bad about ourselves or our lives in general, it becomes hard for us to take good care of ourselves physically—and vice versa!
Stress is often a significant factor in health problems. It can cause or worsen physical symptoms and make it difficult to recover from illness. Many sources, including work, family life, and financial concerns. Some people find that stress comes from within themselves, such as when they feel anxious about something that hasn’t happened.
Many people believe that physical illness comes from an underlying spiritual problem. This is because the body and mind are closely connected, and when one is out of balance, it can also cause the other to be affected. For example, if someone is suffering from stress or depression, it can cause them to get sick more quickly than someone happier.
Often, people treat the symptoms instead of the cause of their illness. They might go to the doctor for a headache or back pain and end up getting prescribed medication for it without ever addressing why they have those symptoms in the first place.
But what if there’s something deeper going on? What if something is happening in your life that is causing your physical illness? Suppose you’re struggling with something emotionally or spiritually. In that case, it’s essential to talk about it with someone who can help you work through it—whether that be a therapist, a life coach or a lifelong friend—to heal physically and emotionally.
Many people have found that when they address their spiritual problems, their physical illnesses improve as well. For example, if you have an illness like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome, you’ve likely been through some type of trauma in your life—and those traumas can come out as physical pain. But if you work through the underlying issues that cause these traumas—for example, by working with a therapist or doing some kind of emotional healing practice with a life coach—you might find that the pain is much less intense than before.
The same goes for mental illness: if you’re depressed and anxious, it’s likely because something is going wrong in your life and preventing happiness from showing up in your day-to-day existence. If you work through those problems and find ways to bring more joy into your life, those feelings of depression and anxiety will start to fade away.
Physical illness is often a symptom of an underlying spiritual problem.
When we experience guilt, we can feel powerless to do anything about it. We may think that we have done something wrong and that there is no way to compensate for it. This can lead to feelings of helplessness, resulting in physical symptoms.
We tend to think of illness as being “out there”—in other words, something that happens to us and is not caused by us. However, illness is a reflection of what is going on inside us at any given time. When we are in tune with our spiritual selves, we have less need for physical symptoms to get our attention because they are already getting it; when we are out of touch with our spiritual selves and more focused on the material world around us, it takes more drastic measures like illness before we notice what is happening inside ourselves.
When you experience an event that causes you to feel guilty, your body may react in a way that makes it difficult for you to process the feelings associated with that guilt. For example, if you have a friend who gets into trouble with the law and asks for your help but then they refuse to talk about what they did wrong, that might make you feel guilty. If this happens often enough, it can lead to stress and anxiety that manifests as physical symptoms such as headaches or stomach problems.
This guilt can also be caused by something as simple as forgetting someone’s birthday or neglecting to call your parents on Mother’s Day—things we all do from time to time without even realizing it until someone points it out to us later on down the road! The problem with these kinds of moments is that they tend not only affect our mental health but also our physical health as well; when we don’t address these issues head-on with others around us before they get out of hand over time (which is pretty much inevitable), then we end up feeling worse about ourselves than ever before—and ultimately more alone too! I offer spiritual energy healing for mind body and soul as well as life coaching services, contact me for a free consultation.