Energy Luck Spiritual Healing

Energy Luck provides the best spiritual energy healing, black magic removal and good luck blessing services for personal problems, business & relationships.
Phone: 732-630-3662

Our Blog

sad empathic man

The effects of Empathic connections on our daily lives

What does it mean to be empathic? Empathy is the concept of the transfer of energy telepathically from one person to another. Empathy transpires using...
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break up

Why is it hard to recover from a painful breakup or loss?

Most healthy relationships begins with two individuals who find fondness in each other and form some sort of bond or connection over a shared interest...
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Why is it so hard to change your life?

One of the hardest things for most of my clients who come to me has been to change their life. Achieving change feels impossible when you...
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Why are some people rich and successful while others aren’t?

Since the beginning of time success has always been a priority for everyone. If you look back at any time in history you will come...
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