Energy Luck Spiritual Healing

Energy Luck provides the best spiritual energy healing, black magic removal and good luck blessing services for personal problems, business & relationships.
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Have you ever noticed that you are like a magnet for negativity when you are stressed out or anxious? Do you get headaches, nausea, diarrhea, and feel like crap every time something stressful happens at work?

Your chakras have gone out of balance. They can leave that state of imbalance. You can correct the problem with simple chakra cleansing exercises, which will help restore them to normal functioning. Let’s look further into your chakras, how they work, and why they get out of balance.

How do you know when your chakras are blocked?

Well, the answer is simple: You don’t! You can’t tell if your chakras are blocked, but you can feel it. If your chakras are blocked or not working at their total capacity, this can impact the health of your body in multiple ways.

People with blocked chakras may experience the following:

  • Feeling unbalanced or unfocused
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Feeling drained of energy
  • Sensing disconnected from others and their environment.

The seven main chakras are located along the center of the body, and each controls a different part of your physical and emotional health. If a chakra is blocked, it’s essential to unblock it as soon as possible so you can get back to living an optimal life.

How to do a chakra cleanse and balance

Chakra cleansing is a powerful way to align your energy, open up your chakras, and balance your body.

  1. The seven major chakras in the body are:
  2. Root—located at the base of your spine
  3. Sacral—located in your lower abdomen between your hips
  4. Solar Plexus—located behind your belly button
  5. Heart—situated on the center of your chest
  6. Throat—located at the base of your neck just below where it meets your shoulders
  7. Third Eye—situated between the eyebrows on top of your head

Root chakra cleansing

The root chakra is the foundation of your body. It is responsible for your sense of security and stability. When this chakra is out of balance, you may feel like you are walking on eggshells.

Fortunately, there are simple ways to cleanse and rebalance your root chakra to feel more grounded in your daily life.

Make sure that you’re getting enough sleep every night. This is one of the most important things you can do to keep your root chakra balanced—sleep deprivation can cause anxiety and depression as well as physical symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, and headaches.

Get outside for at least 15 minutes daily in direct sunlight (without sunscreen). The sun helps to strengthen our connection with nature and helps us feel more connected with ourselves and others around us.

Sacral chakra cleansing

The Sacral Chakra is located in the lower abdomen. It is responsible for your creativity and ability to give and receive love. When you have a clean sacral chakra, you feel confident, powerful, and free to be yourself.

You can do a chakra cleanse and balance by sitting comfortably with your spine straight. Take deep breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Focus on each area of your body as you breathe: head, throat, heart, stomach, hips/pelvis/lower abdomen. As you breathe into each area, imagine each body part filling up with light. When you have finished filling up all aspects of your body with light, take another deep breath and exhale slowly through your nose as you visualize the light flowing out of every pore of your body until all the light has been released from inside you.

Solar plexus chakra cleansing

The solar plexus chakra is the center of your power and confidence.

To cleanse this chakra, hold your hands over your solar plexus and breathe deeply. Feel yourself growing stronger and more confident as you breathe in and out.

Now visualize a white light filling up your solar plexus with good energy. Visualize the white light moving through your body, making you healthier and happier.

 Heart chakra cleansing

The heart chakra is located in the center of your chest. It’s associated with love, joy, and happiness. A blocked heart chakra can cause you to feel like you’re never going to find love or feel happy again.

An excellent way to unblock this chakra is by doing a heart chakra cleanse. You can do this by focusing on breathing deeply and slowly, then taking your hand and placing it over your heart. Once this happens, imagine you are sending love out into the world around you.

If you want to connect with this chakra’s energy, try meditating on it for a few minutes each day after doing a cleanse.

Throat chakra cleansing

The throat chakra is the fourth of seven human body energy centers, representing communication, self-expression, and creativity. You may experience anger, frustration, or sadness when this chakra is blocked. The best way to unblock your throat chakra is by cleansing it with a sage smudge stick.

To do a throat chakra cleanse, light a sage smudge stick and wave it around your body in circular motions while you chant “om.” It’s also helpful to visualize healing white light entering your crown chakra as you chant. Once you’ve done this for about five minutes, hold the smoke around your neck area for another five minutes or so before blowing it out again.

Third eye chakra cleansing

The third eye chakra is responsible for your intuition and creativity. To cleanse it, you can use a cool cloth to massage your forehead area and then take a few deep breaths to focus on the moment. When you’re ready, close your eyes and imagine yourself in nature—maybe in a forest or by the beach—and feel yourself absorbing all the positive energy around you. You can also try smudging with sage or palo santo to remove negative energy from your surroundings and space.

Crown chakra cleansing

To cleanse and balance the crown chakra, take a few deep breaths. When ready, place your hands on your head and close your eyes. Visualize a blue circle at the top of your head and imagine it getting bigger and bigger until it encompasses your entire body. This will help to clear any negative energy that may be lingering in this chakra.

Next, visualize a white light from above you into your crown chakra. Imagine that this light has healing properties and lets it flow through every cell of your body. As you do so, say the affirmation: “I am worthy of receiving love.” Repeat this until you feel complete—then open your eyes.

Essential oils that support chakra cleansing and balancing

Essential oils are a great way to cleanse and balance your chakras. Here are some of our favorites:

Basil (Mood) – excellent for balancing the third eye chakra, which helps you to be able to use your intuition more effectively.

Bergamot (Emotion) – balances the heart chakra, making it a great choice when feeling overly emotional or angry.

Cardamom (Energy) is a great choice if you want to find balance by bringing together opposing energies like male/female or light/dark.

Cedarwood Atlas (Protection) – protects against negative energies by creating boundaries around yourself so that you can focus on what matters most in your life.

If you are looking to get chakra balancing done by a professional visit my page.

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